
Bolix - lepidlo na polystyrénové desky Bolix UZB

výrobce: Bolix

kategorie: BOLIX - stavební chemie

Číslo produktu: 11445

Vícenásobek objednaného čísla: 1 Přidat do košíku

Přidat do schránky Zeptejte se na produkt Nahlásit chybu v popisu Nákup na splátky je k dispozici od 100 PLN hodnoty produktu nebo celé objednávky. Leasing je k dispozici od 369 PLN hodnoty produktu

cena na vyžádání

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1.00 balíček
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celková cena
ceník hrubý
pro 1.00 balíček
celková cena
propagační sleva
pro 1.00 balíček

Popis produktu

It is used for gluing foamed polystyrene boards to typical mineral substrates and making a layer reinforced with foam with a suitable fiberglass mesh. The product properties allow application in lower ambient temperature ranges, i.e. from +3 C, and after 8 hours. since application, possible temperature drops to -5 C. I show high adhesion and elasticity to the substrate and thanks to the use of microfibers it is resistant to scratches and cracks. It is used when insulating the outer walls of buildings in the technology of a seamless thermal insulation system and when repairing and renovating the outer walls of buildings insulated according to the "light wet" method. It is also used for leveling / unevenness up to 5 mm / and smoothing mineral substrates before applying paint and thin-layer plaster.

Technical data

  • Mixing proportions: 5.25-5.75 l water per 25 kg of glue
  • Open work time: approx. 1.5 hours
  • Flow: <0.12 mm
  • Adhesion:
    • adhesion to concrete:> 0.6 MPa
    • for foamed polystyrene:> 0.1 MPa (tear in the foamed polystyrene layer)
  • Consistency: dry powder
  • Shelf life: under appropriate conditions, up to 12 months from the date of production
  • all technical specifications are given for a relative humidity of 60% and an air temperature of +20 ° C
  • Consumption of adhesive mortar when insulating the building:
  • when bonding foamed polystyrene boards on a properly prepared base, it is approx. 4.0 kg / m2 when making the reinforced layer is approx. 4.0 kg / m2
  • When filling the substrate with BOLIX UZB adhesive mortar, its consumption depends on the thickness of the layer produced and is on average 1.3 kg / m2 (dry adhesive) for every 1 mm of layer thickness. In order to accurately determine the product consumption on a given substrate, it is recommended to carry out appropriate tests.
  • BOLIX UZB glue is a dry mix of hydraulic binders, polymer, base of fine-grained mineral fillers and modifying additives.

Technické údaje - vlastnosti

objemová hmotnost:
1,5 kg / dm
teplota substrátu:
3 - 25 ° C
teplotní rozsah aplikace:
3 - 25 ° C
